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Thursday, 31 March 2011

Exit Poll Now Closed

The exit poll has now been cancelled.
Please click here for more information on why it had to be cancelled.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Dav Re-admitted as Citizen

Dav Rôibeardét has passed his referendum on citizenship and is now offically a citizen of the Republic of Talossa once again. Out of 15 voters, a huge majority of 13 voted yes, with 1 no and 1 abstaining. Dav has recieved a warm welcome from Talossans and it is hoped he will successfully re-integrate into Talossan society. He has also announed his intention to stand for election to the 14th CoD.

Monday, 21 March 2011

'Lack of Chair Amendment' Sails Through the Senate

A measure allowing the CoD to request the president to perform the role of speaker, and Senators to allow the SoS to perform the role of speaker in the Senate, has passed comfortably through the the Senate, having been handed over from Deputies. This means the measure will go forward to a referendum soon.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

General Election Called

Secretary of State, Ián Anglatzarâ, has called for nominations for an early spring 2011 general election, after the 13th Chamber fell to pieces. Nominations for candidates are being accepted until 23rd March, after which there will be a general election to the 14th Chamber of Deputies. For more information, see the nominations page here.

Meanwhile, Senators are sifting through the Provincial Geographic Reassignment Bill, and attempting to clarify haziness in assignment boundaries. This was the only bill to pass through the short lived 13th Chamber. Maybe the number 13 is unlucky after all...

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Dav Rôibeardét Requests Citizenship Again

Respected ex-citizen Rôibeardét has asked the Talossan community for permission to be re-admitted as a citizen. In his plea (which can be read here), Dav opened up and claimed that binge drinking and deep depression had lead him to act out of character. The Secretary of State has opened up his citizenship referendum, and all citizens should have received an e-mail with instructions on how to vote.

Political Antics Review

Dramatic events took place in the Chamber of Deputies over the last few days with the Prime Minister suddenly, though not entirely unexpectedly, switching to the Defencist Party. Onlookers in the galleries looked bemused after two deputies fired constant strings of angry messages and insults at each other.

As the PM left the Peculiarist Party, it was feared the party would disintegrate, but these fears have proved to be false according to information from the Peculiarist Convention.

Deputy Jum Txec has ditched his partisanship in favour of independence, amid all the fiasco, in which the President soon got involved. He then went on to become Speaker of a chamber, which, to be fair, functioned somewhat amidst all the commotion.

 Three prominent politicians soon got involved in a fierce argument over conspiracy plots for power, leaving ordinary citizens disillusioned with Talossan politics.

Deputy Xhorxh announced his resignation and permanent withdrawal of republican citizenship, due to his deep unhappiness and suspicion. The CoD is now inquorate and deputy activities in the chamber have been suspended. It is expected that the Secretary of State will soon call election, providing enough candidates are standing, that is.
Issues began to arise during debate over the Provincial Geographical Assignment Bill when deputies struggled and failed to reach a compromise on which citizens from around the globe should be placed in which provinces. No one need worry though, immigration is still dreadfully low.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Crisis in the Chamber

The Citaxhien has taken the decision not to cover the tensions and divisions that have emerged today in the Chamber of Deputies, in an effort to retain what stability might remain, and not to incite further flames of anger.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Tuischac'h Forgets Amendment Phase

The Tuischac'h has forgotten to kick-start the usual Amendment Phase that takes place when the CoD considers a proposal, and has jumped straight through to the voting stage. 
With only 3 Deputies in the Chamber, this is unlikely to cause any confusion, however this mistake has highlighted the need for a fully functioning political system in Talossa with active and operational roles, if the population is to increase.
A weary Seneschal has reminded the Tuischac'h by coughing.
To follow the 'Provincial Geographical Assignment Amendment' :Click Here

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Filtering Mistake Rectified

A censorship barrier was accidentally imposed on Citaxhien yesterday, with a message warning readers of adult content. The error has since been fixed (the mistake was made during a recent change in templates and settings).