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Thursday, 19 May 2011

Long time no see

It’s been such a long time since the Citaxhiên was last updated, so I thought I’d have a stab at publishing a new post while I have the time...

The main story on everyone’s minds will be the Presidential election that is currently taking place, where all eligible voters have a choice on whether to stick with the incumbent Miestrâ, of the Defencist Party, or to choose another President from only two other choices, Dieter N. Vercáriâ (Peculiarist) or Gödafrïeu Válcadac'h.

Válcadac'h claims to have only entered the election to ‘make this race more interesting than the boring Schlafenspiel it would otherwise be’.

His words may strong, but they bare an almost horrific true resemblance of Talossan politics. Anyway, all three candidates have released 50 word statements, which you can read here, if you haven’t already done so.

Talossans are now effectively stuck in a rut. With little presidential choice, and even if there was a change to a new president, it would be unlikely that Talossa would see any real change for the better. If things stay the same as they are, we will have a president who wantes to hinder democracy by changing the voting system so that electors don't even know which candidates will be fielded. A change to a Peculiarist President will see us having a President who wants to slow down political operations even further by condemning cutting election durations. The only other option is a candidate that is going in for the race half-heartedly. Don't fret, however, since in reality the President holds very little power in reality.
 On the subject of power, the Senäts has effectively grinded to a holt, while they try finding a Mençéi more challenging than finding a needle in a haystack. The sluggishness of the upper chamber comes soon after the CoD was criticised by them as being too slow...

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