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Sunday, 13 February 2011

Will Peculiarism Destroy Talossa? - Senators have their say

With a Peculiarist movement set to hit the Talossan Republic in the future, Citaxhiên has been looking into what effects this might have on the system of the micro-nation. A few senators and the President were asked for their views on what would happen, and the results were alarming.
There were mixed opinions yesterday, but with a general consensus that a Peculiarism Revival was unnecessary, pointless, and even damaging:

"Sure. Peculiarism, in the sense that we should be more attuned with the online world and drop restrictions that are not necessary for an online community, is an important part of what killed off Penguinea. Talossa is a country, and should strive to behave like a country. The day we stop doing that, we will become something unimportant, uninteresting. Another Facebook group." - Ián Anglatzarâ

"The lifeblood of Talossa is multi-party democracy and a real contest of ideas. Therefore, while I have no sympathy for the Peculiarist ideology - which, if put into practice, would lead to a dissolution of our Republic as we know it - I would fully welcome a Peculiarist party organising, engaging in ideological combat, and, if they win the support of the people, forming a government." -

"Mercy! You are jumping off into the deep end of the pool aren't you now?

As simply stated as I can make it, Peculiarism is a movement which starts with the basic assumption that the Republic is in some way flawed and is in desperate need of repair. Most of the so-called repairs involve tearing down republican tradition and culture and making Talossa "more democratic."  They fail to see that we are a nation governed by laws and that certain laws were put in place to insure the security of all citizens, not just the ones who take to the streets in a mob and try to scream loud enough to get their way. 

I essentially see two problems with the Peculiarist threat- 

a) the institutions of the Republic are in excellent shape. Sure we need some more people, but tinkering around with something that isn't broken will never bring people into the fold.

and b) THIS IS A REPUBLIC NOT A DEMOCRACY! Republics have the rule of law. Democracies have mobs who scream and holler and throw out governments on fickle whims."
- Txec Rôibeardsëfiglheu

So now Talossa's future hangs in the balance. Could Peculiarism destroy our micro-nation, or is this just an over reaction from Conservative Senators... We'll soon find out...

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